

Congregation Agudas Achim is governed by an elected Board of Directors. Synagogue programs and operations are organized by committees and/or staff members who function under the leadership of the Board. As a Reconstructionist congregation, we are committed to democratic and inclusive decision-making processes and seek input from the large body of members on given topics when appropriate.

Board members are elected at the Annual Meeting for terms of two years. Terms are staggered to avoid a complete turnover of the board every year. Open board positions can be filled at any time.

Board of Trustees


Position Name Term Expiration
President Molly Jacobs June 2024
Secretary Lee Judson June 2026
Treasurer Glenn Gruber June 2025
Director Tristan Davies June 2026
Director Donna Cohen-Avery June 2026
Director Barbara Shays June 2026
Director Toni Tinberg June 2025
Director Jeff Codella June 2026

To reach a member of the board or the rabbi, please email the office. For specific committee contact information, click here.