Committees are the lifeblood or any congregation, and Congregation Agudas Achim is no different. We have eight standing committees (Membership, Ritual Practice, Community Support and Hospitality, Education, Fundraising and Development, Building and Property, Finance, and Security), and we welcome your participation on any one of them. In addition, the president of the board of trustees can appoint special committees with a limited focus for a short period (e.g., the community health committee, the racial justice working group, and the website development committee).
Please reach out to the committee chair if you want to know more about the work that the committee is doing or if you would like to volunteer. Without the work of our talented volunteers, we would not be able to offer many of the programs that make our community so special.
Chair: Barbara Shays
The Membership Committee’s goal is to create a warm, welcoming, and vibrant community for prospective members seeking a Jewish community. Members of the committee reach out to anyone who is considering joining our community. During the late summer we host an open house, in collaboration with the Education Committee, so potential members can meet current members and learn more about the community. In early December, we host a new member brunch to help connect new members to members of the board of trustees. We follow up with existing members during the renewal period. We always welcome congregants to join the Membership Committee; we generally meet monthly.
Ritual Practice
Chair: Myra Paull
The Ritual Practice Committee works closely with the rabbi to support dynamic worship experiences for our diverse membership. As a Reconstructionist community we recognize and appreciate the evolving nature of Jewish life and work to develop meaningful, inspiring, and joyful services while maintaining a respect and love of tradition.
The committee organizes High Holy Day services, supports the rabbi in their role as a service leader; reviews and recommends policies related to ritual practice to the board of trustees; and works to empower our members as lay-prayer leaders and robust participants in services and other ritual moments by providing educational opportunities in a supportive environment.
Community Support and Hospitality
Chair: Lee Judson
Congregation Agudas Achim prides itself in being a caring community engaged in gemilut chasidim (acts of loving kindness). The committee comprises a group of mensches who organize shiva minyans, check in on homebound members, provide rides and meals for congregants in need, conduct check-in phone calls on members, and generally are on the lookout for ways to support congregants in need. Joining the mensches is an easy way to get involved. Tasks are usually limited in scope and time commitment and provide opportunities for social action based on Jewish ethics.
Chair: Erika Bloom
The Education Committee comprises two subcommittees: the School Committee and the Intergenerational Learning Committee. This merger represents the congregation’s commitment to intergenerational learning. The primary functions of the Education Committee are to support and advise the education coordinator and the rabbi in their educational capacities; support the running of the Hebrew School; act as a resource for parents and teachers; organize adult education offerings; support and develop opportunities for intergenerational learning; and develop the educational vision and curriculum for the congregation. New members are always welcome!
Social Action Committee
Chairs: Marcia Szymanski
The Social Action Committee is responsible for identifying opportunities for congregants and the synagogue community to participate in the work of Tikkun Olam. The committee looks for ways our community can put Jewish values into action in the service of others. The committee works with other synagogue committees in creating intergenerational social action activities and programs. The committee is committed to partnering with other faith communities, non-profit organizations, and advocacy groups whenever possible in furthering this work.
The work of the committee includes organizing activities and programs to assist in providing for the immediate needs of others; identifying opportunities for giving tzdekah, the obligation to help those with less; participating with groups and organizations working to repair the systemic causes of ongoing social injustice; and hosting or co-sponsoring educational programs to learn more about social justice.
Fundraising and Development
The role of the Fundraising and Development Committee is to find revenue sources to supplement dues and school fees, so the congregation can cover its annual operating expenses and support new programs. The year-to-year activities of the committee change based on needs and interest, but typically include event planning, annual campaign solicitation, and investigating grant opportunities. Past fundraisers have included a wine tasting, raffles, a walk-a-thon, and a plant sale. The committee is always open to new ideas and members.
Building and Properties
Chair: Sharon Freidman
The goal of the Building and Properties Committee is to create and maintain a welcoming and sacred space for the use of the congregation. Primary functions include maintaining and improving building and grounds and coordinating opportunities for congregants to help with projects such as spring cleaning and mowing the lawn.
The committee is also responsible for the coordination, maintenance, and use of our cemetery in Dodgeville, including overseeing the maintenance of the cemetery; coordinating the use of the cemetery with the rabbi and local funeral homes; overseeing cemetery finances in conjunction with the synagogue treasurer; and selling and marketing plots at the cemetery.
Chair: Glenn Gruber
The Finance Committee, in cooperation with the Treasurer, recommends short- and long-term financial goals, policies, and guidelines to the Board to ensure a stable financial future for the congregation. Using input from all program functions of the synagogue, i.e., ritual, building and maintenance, security, education, this committee’s agenda ranges from preparing and analyzing the budget to identifying future one-time needs and, when necessary, initiating with Fundraising and Development, supplemental cash flow. The committee works (through the Financial Secretary) to make special arrangements with members who need financial assistance.
Chairs: Aaron Weintraub and Sharon Freidman
The Security Committee is responsible for monitoring the security of the building and the events that are held on the property. Members work closely with the Jewish Alliance of Rhode Island and the Attleboro Police Department to monitor threats again the congregation, antisemitism in the local communities surrounding the synagogue, and other issues of concern. The committee maintains the synagogue’s emergency plans, trains staff and volunteers about the plans, and suggests improvements to building security.