Yes, of course! You are welcome at all services. While many of our prayers are in Hebrew, our prayer book contains translations, transliterations, commentary, and interpretations, and your neighbors will be happy to assist you in finding your place in the prayer book. Please join in as much or as little as you wish.
No. We are grateful for your support of your partner’s Judaism and for your participation. We understand that conversion is a personal decision that can only be made after heartfelt consideration and exploration. If conversion is something you would like to explore, our rabbi would be happy to talk with you.
In the Reconstructionist tradition, children with one Jewish parent who are being raised as Jews are Jewish and are welcome to be educated in our school. Because this point of view is not universally accepted across the Jewish world, we recommend that you speak with the rabbi to discuss your specific situation. There are many children in our school whose families that observe other religions in their homes or with their extended families. Our teachers are sensitive and inclusive of this diversity while celebrating the Jewish choices our interfaith families make.
Any family or household with Jewish members or ones considering Judaism is welcome to join our community.
Reading in English, adding commentary and participation in discussions are open to everyone. Some portions of the service, for example leading prayers and reciting the Torah and its blessings, are reserved for Jews. We try to be both welcoming and sensitive to newcomers, so it is unlikely that you will be asked to do something your first time here. But if you are invited to do something with which you are unfamiliar or uncomfortable, it is perfectly acceptable to decline—no one will take offense. On the other hand, if you are Jewish and would like an honor, please do not hesitate to ask the service leader or Shabbat host.
Throughout the year, we offer many introductory and beginner classes on holiday and Sabbath observance, Hebrew reading, Jewish history, and more. We also often have support groups, ongoing text study, and special programs. Please be sure to look at our calendar or website regularly to see what is scheduled. You are also welcome to contact the office with ideas for programming or topics for discussion—we often schedule classes based on interest.