Chanukah Party

December 18, 2022    
11:30 am

The CAA community is invited to join the Hebrew school families at 11:30 a.m. on December 18 for some Chanukah fun! No RSVP needed.

11:30 a.m. Outdoor Candle Lighting

Bring your family menorah outside for a group lighting of the first candle.

11:35 a.m. to Noon: Chanukah Hop

We will be playing Chanukah music and dancing from car to car to gather different Chanukah items and treats!

Noon to whenever: Outdoor Fire Pit

Don’t have a child in Hebrew School? No worries, we’re hanging out anyway. Join us outdoors after Hebrew School for snacks, adult beverages, and a fire pit. Adults and children welcome.

Trunk Helpers Needed: Click here to Sign up to Decorate Your Car

We need 8-15 cars decorated for this event. To sign up to decorate the trunks of your cars (think trunk or treat), use the link above. The school will provide each car with the different items to pass out to the children. The cars will need to be at the synagogue by 11:15am. Someone will be outside to coordinate the participating cars. Some things that will be passed out will be candles, prayer cards, dreidels, chocolate gelt, cookies, latkes, etc.